FDM 3D Printers

Invented by Stratasys founder, Steve Crump, FDM Technology uses production-grade thermoplastics and builds strong, durable and dimensionally stable parts with the best accuracy and repeatability of any 3D printing technology.
F123 Series 3D printers are affordable printers with reliable, industrial-grade results. Plug-and-play capability, fast and easy material swaps, and auto-calibration mean more time printing, maximizing productivity.
Industrial 3D printing with high capacity and capacity material bones
Affordable and reliable with a range of material options
Double material bays, a larger build tray and mid-print materials changeover
Engineering materials and the largest build envelope in the F123 line

Intuitive and powerful 3D slicing software streamlines your design cycle. Lean on smart default settings, tooltips, and notifications to guide you through a seamless printing process.

Double material bays, a larger build tray and mid-print materials changeover

Stratasys FDM Materials
Soluble support materials let you create comples 3D printed parts and models with no restrictions on geometry.

Take the assembling out of assemblies
Soluble support materials let you create comples 3D printed parts and models with no restrictions on geometry.

Fortus 380mc
Production printing with a wide variety of engineering plastics
Fortus 380
Carbon Fiber Edition
Production grade printing in Carbon Fiber reinforced materials
Fortus 450mc
Double material bays, a larger build tray and mid-print materials changeover

GrabCAD Shop simplifies your 3D printing shop workflow by substaintially improving the way your teams manage and collaborate on prototyping work orders.

The highest build envelope with over 16
different engineering materials.
Antero 800NA
The benefits of PEKK,
The design freedom of FDM
Stratasys Antero 800NA material is a lightweight alternative to aluminum and steel suitable for aerospace applications, available only on Stratasys 3D printers.

Learn more about Antero 800NA and other engineering-grade Stratasys FDM materials by visiting the Stratasys website.
- Stratasys 3D Printers
- Makerbot
- Laser Cutters
- 3D Scanners
- CNC Plasma Cutters
- CNC Routers
- Waterjet
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